Duration: 8 weeks
Daily Training Schedule:
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM: Summary and analysis of experimental data
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM: One-on-one mentorship meetings
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM: Discuss the latest research papers in neuroscience and clinical medicine
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM: Laboratory operations and instrumentation training
Program Training Schedule:
1. Foundational Session
Time Duration: (1 week)
Key concepts and theories in the field of ischemic stroke/SCI
Literature review or background studies
Format: Lecture, interactive Q&A, or multimedia presentations
2. Practical Session
Time Duration: (3 weeks)
Practice exercises where participants replicate a research technique:
Collection of clinical samples: peripheral blood from patients and methods of storage
Establishment of the mouse model
Practice exercises where participants replicate a research technique
Guided small-group activities for solving a case or analyzing data
3. Focused Research Topics
Time Duration: (4 weeks)
Latest Trends, Challenges, and Advanced Technologies
Format: Interactive lectures, panel discussions
4. Wrap-Up & Reflection
Time Duration: (2 days)
Participant presentations or discussion of key takeaways
Feedback session (e.g. online survey or live Q&A)