XU Ting
XU Ting, Ph.D. in Clinical Dentistry, is an Associate Chief Physician in the Department of Stomatology at the First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine and a Ph.D. supervisor. She serves as a Youth Committee Member of the Preventive Dentistry Specialty Committee of the Chinese Stomatological Association, a member of the Preventive Dentistry Committee of the Zhejiang Stomatological Association, and a member of the Oral Health Promotion Committee of the Zhejiang Society of Mathematical Medicine. With over a decade of experience in clinical practice, teaching, and research in dentistry, she has led two National Natural Science Foundation projects, one key project of the National Bureau of Statistics, one Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation project, and several Zhejiang Provincial Medical and Health Science and Technology projects as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology projects.