XIE Haiyang
Key Laboratory of Combined Multi-organ Transplantation, National Health Commission (NHC) of the People’s Republic of China.
Brief introduction about the tutors
Hangxiang Wang obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from Zhejiang University in 2002. After receiving his Master’s Degree in Chemistry at Osaka University (2006), he earned a PhD in Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry from Kyoto University (2011) under the supervision of Prof. Itaru Hamachi. He has been Professor at Zhejiang University since 2019. Prof. Wang has published more than one hundred corresponding-authored peer-reviewed papers in the top journals with high impact factors. His research interests mainly focus on the development of new therapeutics and relevant drug delivery strategies for disease treatment.
Dr. Haiyang Xie is currently deputy director of the Key Laboratory of Organ Transplantation at ZJMU. He is mainly engaged in the research of transplantation immune rejection, organ protection, molecular mechanism of tumor recurrence in liver transplantation and targeted intervention based on nanomedicine. Focusing on the research direction of medical engineering convergence, he has led more than ten projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the key projects of the Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China in recent years. Based on the grants, he has published more than 30 papers in J. Controlled Release, Biomaterials, American Journal of Transplantation, J. Hematol Oncol, EbioMedicine and Transplantation, etc.
Dr. Yiting Qiao
Yiting Qiao graduated from Cancer Science Institute of Singapore as PhD in 2014. After that, she had post-doctoral training in the department of physiology and Mechanobiology Institute in National University of Singapore during 2015 and 2016. Then she worked as a Senior Research Scientist in the First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine. Yiting’s research focused on the interaction between tumor microenvironment, especially ECM stiffness, and the malignant behaviors of tumor cells, and she published 20 papers in professional journals including Nature Communications and Signal Transduction & Targeted Therapy as the first author or corresponding author. She also received multiple grants from National Natural Science Foundation of China, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province.