Yuhang Campus
Yuhang Campus (also known as International Medical Center) of The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine (FAHZU) is located in Hangzhou Future Science and Technology City (Haichuang Park), the core area of Hangzhou West Science and Technology Corridor, the future highland of global talents gathering and area for high-tech enterprises including Alibaba.
The new campus will serve as a significant platform of the National Medical Center and National-level Reginal Medical Center. It is composed of Phase Ⅰ and Phase Ⅱ. Phase Ⅰ covers a site area of 33.3 acres and a floor area of 3.2 million sq. ft. with 1,200 beds, while Phase Ⅱ will cover a site area of 27 acres and a floor area of 4.5 million sq. ft. with 2,000 beds.
With the target of an internationalized and smart hospital, FAHZU International Medical Center will also be a translational medicine base with effective intersection of medical research and clinical treatment, which will bring FAHZU to an internationally advanced level in health care, scientific research, medical education and hospital management.