WU Shengjun

Department :

Cardiovascular Surgery

Languages :

English, Chinese


Wu Shengjun, Male, M.D., Associate Senior Physician. Graduated from Zhejiang University in 2008 and engaged in cardiothoracic surgery since then. As first of corresponding author, Dr. Wu has published 7 SCI papers, with 2 top journal articles. Dr. Wu has won first prize of clinical skills competition of cardiac surgery, Chinese society of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, east china division, and has been selected as outstanding worker of Zhejiang University and excellent clinical teacher of Zhejiang University.


Minimally invasive cardiac and thoracic surgery

Valvular diseases

Atrial septum defect and ventricular septum defect

Coronary heart disease

Atrial fibrillation

Major vessel diseases

Activities and Honors

Winning prize of clinical skills competition of cardiac surgery, Chinese society of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, 2019. First prize of clinical skills competition of cardiac surgery, Chinese society of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, east china division.

Outstanding worker of Zhejiang University, excellent clinical teacher of Zhejiang University