Department :

Thoracic Surgery

Languages :

English, Chinese


A highly professional, competent, and team spirited surgeon has worked in general thoracic field for 30 years. Dr. Ye has unique expertise and unparalleled experience in minimally invasive surgery for thoracic surgery, especially for complex thoracic operation.  He has performed over 2,000 thoracoscopic surgery for lung cancer and esophageal cancer. He has published nearly 20 articles. Dr. Ye is a doctor works harmoniously with the hospital staff while brings carefulness and patience to the patient.


Minimally invasive thoracic surgery (MIS,VATS)

Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer Screening

Lung Nodules

Esophageal Cancer

Esophageal replacement with colon/jejunum, individual treatment


Airway Management And Surgery

Barrett's Esophagus

Benign Esophageal Disease And Surgery

Hernia Management


Pectus Malformation

Pleural Effusion


Post-Operative Management

Quality Improvement

Rib Fractures

Swallowing Problems

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thymoma And Thymic Cancer

Tracheal Disorders

Professional Memberships

Committee member of Zhejiang Society of Esophageal Cancer, Zhejiang Anti-Cancer Association

Committee member of Nutrition pathway cooperation group of the Fifth Committee of the parenteral and enteral nutrition branch of the Chinese Medical Association