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Languages :

English, Chinese


Dr. Xia Dan is Professor of Urology Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China. She serves as Vice Director of Robotic Surgery Society of China Urology Association (CUA) since 2017. She graduated from Zhejiang Medical University before completing her residencies in urology and general surgery at FAHZU in 1994. She was board certified in both Urology and Surgery and received her Bachelor Degree at Zhejiang Medical University in 2003. She then completed a fellowship in laparoscopic surgery and female urology.

Dr. Xia is a renowned urological oncology scientist. Her research interest is to study signal transduction pathway of urinary carcinoma, precision medicine of urological cancer and translational research. She is also a renowned urological laparoscopic surgeon, who already finished 10 thousand laparoscopic urological surgery personally. She was Co-Founder of Minimal Invasive Surgery Center at FAHZU. She received robot-assisted surgical training in 2014 and has already finished more than 1600 cases of robotic surgeries including radical prostatectomy, partial nephrectomy and radical cystectomy. 

Dr. Xia obtained da Vinci Distinguish Robotic Master Award for achievement in Urological Surgery from Intuitive Surgical in 2018. 


Urological Tumor

Female Urology

Retroperitoneal approach Surgery

New robotic platform

Artificial Intelligence of robotics

Training and education

Activities and Honors

‘Guo YinLu’ Outstanding Youth Urologist Award 

Professional Memberships

 Vice Director of Robotic Surgery Society of China Urology Association (CUA)

 Member of Urological Endoscopy Association, CMDA

 Member of Robotic Surgeon Section, Urological Endoscopy Association, CMDA

 Chief of Minimal Invasive Section, Zhejiang Urology Association

 Board of Member, Zhejiang Urology Association