ZHAO Xiaohong

Department :


Languages :

English, Chinese


Deputy Senior Physician, associate director of Geriatric Department. Zhao Xiaohong graduated from Zhejiang medical university college in 2002, and received a master's degree in geriatrics in 2010. She has been engaged in clinical treatment of geriatric diseases. She hosted three researches projects funded by Heath Bureau of Zhejiang Province and was involved in four other researches projects, including one National Natural Science Foundation project. She published 3 SCI papers and participated in the edition of many geriatrics books.


Senile cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.

Senile metabolic disease treatment

Various rescue and care of critical patients.

Professional Memberships

Committee member of Chinese Medical Association for Geriatric malnutrition and sarcopenia group

Committee member of China Medical Women's Association for Geriatrics

Committee member of the standing committee, Zhejiang anticancer Association for Rehabilitation and Palliative Care