DU Weibo
Infectious Diseases
Dr. Du is a deputy chief physician, master's supervisor, deputy director of Department of Infectious Diseases of FAHZU, deputy director of the State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, and deputy director of Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Infectious Diseases. He has been engaged in clinical diagnosis and treatment, teaching and scientific research of infectious diseases and liver diseases since 1991, especially good at fever of unknow origin and severe liver disease Dr. Du has presided over 1 National key research and development plan project, and participated in 3 National science and technology major projects, and won two national science and technology progress awards.
Infectious diseases
Liver failure and bioartificial liver
Fever of unknown origin
AI diagnosis and cloud platform for infectious disease
Activities and Honors
First prize of 2013 national science and technology progress award (10/15)
First prize of 2015 national science and technology progress award (13/15)
Professional Memberships
Member of Branch of blood purification treatment and engineering technology
Standing member of Hepatology branch of Zhejiang Medical Association