LIANG Wenjie

Department :


Languages :

Chinese, English


Excelling at imaging diagnosis of thoracic and abdominal diseases and evaluation of tumor therapeutic effects. Devoted to artificial intelligent imaging diagnosis of hepatobiliary and pancreatic tumors. Being reviewer of many SCI journals. Having reported for the first time in the world the pathologic classification and evaluation of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors based on preoperative CT by using machine learning. Having hosted 1 General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China and 1 Provincial Natural Science Foundation, and participated in multiple national programs. Having published more than 10 SCI papers, including top journals in oncology (CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH).


The radiological diagnosis of chest/abdominal tumor

Radiomics in liver cancer

Artificial intelligence in medical imaging

Activities and Honors

Zhejiang Youth Post Skills Expert in Radiology

Professional Memberships

Big Data Branch of Zhejiang Society for Mathematical Medicine